Monday 16 July 2012

Facebook Account Protection Status : Low or High ?

If I ask you what’s your facebook account protection level means how secured your facebook account then you may say it’s good but technically speaking if you are a regular user of facebook and want to protect your account then you must check your Facebook Protection status and check whether it is very low or high. Very low means you need to improve your facebook security and High means you need not to worry about your facebook account unless you have shared your password with someone.

To check the protection status of your facebook account open this URL. This page will show you the overall protection level of your account. Check the overall protection bar at the right top of the page. It will show either low, medium or High and below that three option where you can make changes to make your facebook account more secured.

1. Contact Email : Try to add one more email address because it will be helpful during password reset request.

2. Mobile Phone : Attach your mobile phone number to your facebook account because sometime facebook will send you sms to do some particular task in your account and at that time, if that task is performed by some other source then they will not have the access to that SMS and in that case your facebook account will remain safe.

3. Security Question : Add a security question to your account. It is required to make your account even more secured because Security Question may be asked during the password reset.
So once you have completed these three option then you will realized that your facebook account protection level is changed to high.


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