Sunday 8 July 2012

Top 4 Twitter Tools Used by Experts Bloggers

Blogging has been popular for a long time now, but the fact is that its popularity isn’t wearing off just yet. There are millions of bloggers to be found on the World Wide Web, and all of them are in search of the same thing. Namely, all bloggers that are to be found want someone to read whatever they are writing every day, or every week. Well, there are a lot of great things one can do in order to achieve this, and one of the best things includes using Twitter tools for their blog.

Twitter and Blogging – What Is Their Connection

Twitter has been a very popular social platform for almost six years now, but many bloggers still fail to see the significance of this social platform for their blog. Well, the significance is great, and it will be explained here. Not only can you keep your existing readers informed by activities on your blog and new posts, but you can also gain new readership by using Twitter the right way. The reason for this is simple enough – you will advertize links to your posts easily and very effectively with Twitter.

Top 4 Twitter Tools for Expert Bloggers

Here will be listed the four most powerful Twitter tools you should start using for your blog:
  1. TweetBeep This is a tool that will alert you whenever a specific keyword is searched in Twitter. This is a very useful tool, as you will be able to set the keywords related to you and your niches, and then be informed when users search for these keywords. This way, you can keep track of which keywords are popular and often searched, and this will enable you to write blog posts that will be more popular.
  2. TwitterFeed By using this practical and easy to use tool, you will have all your newest blog posts posted to Twitter without you doing anything. It not only saves you time, but it also makes you and your blog look professional and punctual, as well.
  3. My Tweeple – A great tool for any blogger that doesn’t want to follow the wrong people. Namely, this tool will enable you to easily see who you are following and who is following you, as well as follow and unfollow people, as well as block them.
  4. Twit This Probably the most commonly used Twitter tool by bloggers, as it enables you to post links to Twitter quickly and easily, without any hassle at all. Aside from this, you also have the chance to have the button on your blog, so that your readers can re-tweet any blog posts they find interesting.
If You Want to Be a Successful Blogger Do Not Ignore Twitter
Even though it may not have nearly as many users as Facebook, Twitter is considered by many a much powerful tool for expert bloggers than any other social networking website. Therefore, you are strongly advised to do some research and start using Twitter tools in order to promote your blog and attract new readers to it.


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