Monday 16 July 2012

Gmail Account Security Tips-Sign Out From Other Computer Delete All Session

Gmail Account Security Tips-Sign Out From Other Computer Delete All Session

Suppose there is a case when you forgot to sign out your gmail account from public computer and came back to your home. If that public place is Cyber cafe then any one can access your account. There may be different cases for which this tutorial will help you a lot.
Case 1: Suppose you want to see who all are currently logged into your gmail account.
Case 2: Or, If you want to see your last few login or session details with IP Address and location.
So, If you have internet connection at your home or nearest friend’s room then you can sign out your gmail account from all other locations, like public computer as told in the starting.
Just login to your gmail account and scroll down to the bottom of the page. You will find this message. In first image, it is shown that the last activity on this account was 8 min ago and also it is not opened on any other place. If this is the case then you dont have to worry because your session on that computer is automatically deleted.

But if you are getting a message like the following screenshot where it is mentioned that the current account is opened at 1 different location then this is the real problem for you. So you need to log out your gmail account as soon as possible because no body knows who is using your email account.

So, If you have got an internet connection then to sign out remotely login to your gmail and go to the button of the page and click on details link as shown in above screenshot. Once you have clicked on details link then it will open a popup and will show you the recently login history with location and their IP address.

Just click on sign out all other sessions button and it will delete all your sessions from all other computers. By this way, you can save your account from other users. If you have faced this situation then don’t forget to change your gmail password after doing this step.


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